Friday, April 3, 2009

How did i get my first cheque from

its amaging..

really amazing

but how
i'll tel in simple words

mgignger is a mobile advertising website and it started its working around 2006 and still its performing better

it pays 20 paise for each message you recieve from them..
10 paise for message your friend recieves and 5 paise if your friends's friends recieves.

so its not a easy job make Rs 300 to get a cheque..
so i started refering members.. initially no one was interested in these stupid concept.. but i didnt live up it here..

i started mass mesaging and created my free website with

the number grows upto 100 as of today and my daily earnings also increased upto Rs 10 per day.. i was checking my account every 2 weeks..

finally i made Rs 304 and got my cheque..

as of today my earning is Rs 75..

its my hobby and i'm cr4aZY ABOUT internet and these stupid activities

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